
Važne pravne vijesti, trenutni zakoni i događaji | Law and More

Uobičajena pritužba u pravnom svijetu je da advokati…

Uobičajena pritužba u pravnom svijetu je da advokati uglavnom imaju tendenciju da koriste nerazumljiv pravni lek. Očigledno, to nije uvijek problem. Sudija Hansje Loman i registrar Hans Braam iz suda Amsterdam recently received the ‘Klare Taalbokaal 2016’ (Clear Language Trophy 2016) for writing the most comprehensible court decision. The decision concerns […]

Uobičajena pritužba u pravnom svijetu je da advokati… Čitaj više "

Ne obavlja svaka organizacija svoje aktivnosti sa integritetom ...

The House for Whistleblowers Act Not every organization performs its activities with integrity. Many, however, are afraid to sound the alarm, now experience has repeatedly shown that whistleblowers were not always sufficiently protected. The House for Whistleblowers Act, which entered into force in July 2016, was meant to change this and lays down rules for

Ne obavlja svaka organizacija svoje aktivnosti sa integritetom ... Čitaj više "

Holandski pravosudni sistem inovira. Od 1. marta 2017. godine…

The Dutch judicial system is innovating. From March 1, 2017 it will become possible to litigate digitally at the Dutch Supreme Court in civil claim cases. In essence, the cassation procedure remains the same. However, it will become possible to initiate proceedings online (a kind of digital summons) and to digitally exchange documents and information.

Holandski pravosudni sistem inovira. Od 1. marta 2017. godine… Čitaj više "

Do tada će vjerojatno svi već primijetiti: predsjednica Trump…

By this time, probably everyone will have noticed: president Trump’s popularity has even further decreased since he introduced his controversial travel ban. Dutch media already reported that six Iranians were stranded on the Dutch airport Schiphol, as they were traveling from Teheran to the United States. Earlier, a court in Seattle already suspended the travel

Do tada će vjerojatno svi već primijetiti: predsjednica Trump… Čitaj više "

Suština obaveznog zakona…

The essence of mandatory law is generally that one cannot simply derogate from such provisions. Nonetheless, the Dutch Civil Code states in article 7:902 that one may derogate from mandatory law by means of a settlement agreement, when this agreement is intended to end an existing uncertainty or dispute and provided that it does not

Suština obaveznog zakona… Čitaj više "

Kao advokatska firma koja se nalazi u Naučnom parku u Eindhoven...

Advokatska kancelarija Kao advokatska firma koja se nalazi u Naučnom parku u Eindhoven, we attach great value to start-up entrepreneurs. As we wrote yesterday, the government also recognizes the importance of startups, which she confirms with the recent publication of the list of changes that are to take place in 2017. Entrepreneurs will get the

Kao advokatska firma koja se nalazi u Naučnom parku u Eindhoven... Čitaj više "

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